Pros - Writing Specs

   Before getting bids, draw up the job specifications. List everything you want done so the bids are comparable. Request an itemized cost breakdown, not a package price. Request references so you can check on quality. Ask for copies of licenses and insurance policies
   Ask the contractor to spell out start and completion dates, liabilities, warranties, and the pay schedule. You may want to be shown receipts for materials. Specify lien waivers as you pay for each stage of the job.
   Also, write in a delay of two or three weeks after completion for final payment, so the contractor has an incentive to fix any problems. You might want to add a penalty for late work or a bonus if work is done ahead of time.


Specifications Checklist

What to provide:

__finished plan
__list of hardscapes to be installed (dimensions, materials)
__planting list (botanical names, quantities, sizes)

What to ask for:

__detailed description of each aspect of the job and materials to be used, including recommendations for irrigation, drainage, and lighting
__itemized cost breakdown
__start and completion dates
__warranties on work and materials
__pay schedule (ask for delay before final payment)
__lien waivers
__receipts for materials
__copies of licenses and insurance policies
__list of references
__site cleanup